Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation can help you find a healthier relaxed lifestyle

About Our Meditation Center
Life is about balance. Some experiences make us happy, others sad. Difficult moments tend to interfere with our plans. When disappointment levels rise, our minds react, and we judge our events. Often, the result is sadness, pain and suffering for ourselves.
The act of Mindfulness is both an awareness and a practice. The practice of Mindfulness can help bring you into the act of Mindfulness, teaching you to be aware of your body, emotions, sensations and thoughts. With Mindfulness Meditation, we intend to help provide space for healing and growth. Through loving-kindness and caring compassion, we guide you through the process of “mindfulness.” Simple practices help you to learn how to pay attention to your life so that you can respond and move through difficult times with skillful choices. Independent research has shown how mindfulness practice can influence health conditions such as high blood pressure, chronic pain, anxiety and stress, and physical trauma such as head and brain injuries and emotional trauma such as grief and depression. For those wanting to be more aware of their own life’s experiences, mindfulness meditation practices can provide opportunities for getting to know yourself.
Our courses

For Inviduals
Sometimes we feel uncomfortable in a group setting. For that reason, I offer a weekly one-on-one program for those who prefer privacy.
For Groups
A class size of six to ten meeting two hours each week for eight weeks plus a “Day Of Mindfulness” for self-care. Suited for those who need to cultivate their well-being. Life moves too fast for many, this program offers tools for staying in the moment. It is helpful for those with health challenges such as depression and anxiety, chronic pain, anger management or grief.
Some occupations create stress and anxiety, which can lead to burnout. Fast-paced, demanding job environments can leave employees tired and sick. Employers who offer Mindfulness Meditation can help employees learn how to meet their work life challenges skillfully.

Finding Balance & Peace
Life is about balance. Some experiences make us happy, others sad. Difficult moments tend to interfere with our plans. When disappointment levels rise, our minds react, and we judge our events. Often, the result is sadness, pain and suffering for ourselves.

Upcoming Sessions
“Follow your breathing, dwell mindfully on your steps and soon you will find your balance” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Additional Reading
Wellness Natural Health Centre does not endorse the following content. We present it as supplemental information.
The Science of Meditation’s Effects on Aging
Mindfulness Appears To Affect The Brain In Ways To Reduce Pain
How Meditation Can Hope Lower Stress, Blood Pressure and Risk of Heart Disease
How to meditate without anyone knowing what you are doing
How to Be a Tiny Bit Better at Meditating, Even If You Hate Sitting Still
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